How to Pray Out Loud as an Introvert
Before I explain to you how I learned to pray out loud within a group setting, I want to explain what prayer is and things that you can pray about.
Prayer, simply put, is talking to God. Just like you would a family member or friend.
You can pray about anything. From the smallest thing - like finding your keys - to the biggest thing, like the state of the world or your country's leaders . . . or the health of a family member or friend.WHERE YOU CAN PRAY
You can pray anywhere. Indoors, outdoors - it doesn't matter. Jesus himself prayed in a garden or olive grove.Then Jesus went with them to the olive grove called Gethsemane, and he said, “Sit here while I go over there to pray.” Matthew 26:36
You don't have to be in a church building.
Many people say they feel closer to God when they are in nature - while others have a special place in their home where they like to pray, for example, a closet or dedicated prayer chair.
Many people say they feel closer to God when they are in nature - while others have a special place in their home where they like to pray, for example, a closet or dedicated prayer chair.
It doesn't matter where you are, you can even chat with God while driving in your car.
It is that simple.
It is that simple.
And yes, you can pray with your eyes open! You talk to your friends with your eyes open, don't you?
Closing your eyes helps eliminate visual distractions, but if you're doing something that requires your eyes to be open it really doesn't matter if you keep them open.
I am sure that most people are familiar with The Lord's Prayer, which Jesus gave his disciples as an example of how to pray.
“This, then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’ Matthew 6 vs. 9-13 (NIV)
Prayers do not need to be formal and don't have to be full of Old English style "thees and thous".
In fact, it would be easier for you if you didn't insert flowery language that doesn't actually add anything to your prayer (although you can if you really want to!).
A simple prayer might be:
"Heavenly Father, Thank you for sending Jesus to die upon the cross for my sins in my place. I believe that he is the Son of God and ask him to come into my heart. Thank you Father. In Jesus name, Amen"
If you prayed this prayer, CONGRATULATIONS! You are now a follower of Jesus and I am so happy for you!
If you prayed this prayer, CONGRATULATIONS! You are now a follower of Jesus and I am so happy for you!
"Daddy God, thank you for everything that you do for me. I lift my family and friends to you and ask that you would keep them safe as they go about their day. Thank you God, in Jesus name, Amen"
Prayers can be as short or as long as you want them to be.
You can also sit, stand, kneel or lay on your stomach or back - as I've said, God knows your heart and will meet you where you are.
You can also sit, stand, kneel or lay on your stomach or back - as I've said, God knows your heart and will meet you where you are.
My Story
Growing up as an introvert within a church environment was difficult for me in some ways - particularly as a child.
I was expected, if not encouraged, to participate in reciting Bible verses in front of the church congregation as part of the annual Sunday School Anniversary.
The Sunday School Anniversary is an event where the children run the church service, performing skits, songs, reciting verses and receiving a gift (usually a book) for participating that year.
Participating as a member of the group as a whole was not a problem for me, in fact, it was something I enjoyed.
But when it came to standing behind that microphone, with a hundred pairs of eyes staring at me, it was another matter entirely.
They did try a few different things that they thought might help, like having me stand with 2 or 3 other children to recite verses, but from what I can recall, nothing really did.
As I grew I graduated Sunday School and started Youth Group. Attending weekly Sunday prayer meetings became encouraged.But they were something I never really fully participated in as I was too afraid to speak aloud in front of my peers and was happy to pray silently - because God also hears our silent prayers.
After a while, the parent supervisor of the Youth Group encouraged me to start trying to pray out loud.
He suggested that I write down what I wanted to pray - then read it aloud when it came to my turn as we went around the group.
After some time of doing this, I was able to stop relying on the piece of paper and had the confidence to actually pray without it.
I would like to encourage you, that if you are struggling to pray out loud within a group situation, that you write your prayer down before you get to your group meeting - and to read it off.God knows your heart and will meet you where you are at. Eventually, like me, you may find that you don't need that piece of paper anymore.
- How to Pray by Tatiana Zurowski {Children's Book}
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